While it's true that web sites can provide your customers with a huge variety of information about your products, web logs -- blogs for short -- are a great complement to those efforts. Blogs provide a level of communication and interactivity that is impossible to achieve with a web site alone.
If your web site is well-rounded, you have service descriptions, product descriptions, trouble shooting FAQs, press release postings, company information, and perhaps a form for requesting contact, but where can your customer actually interact with you, ask a question, or even disagree with you? All of these are basic functions of a blog.
Though you may not have ever considered a blog, there are lots of companies today who have foregone the traditional web site and only provide a blog. This may not be the best path for you, but one thing is sure: you would not be worse off with a blog, you could only benefit.
If you'd like to tour a few blogs to understand the possibilities, try Technorati, one of the better blog search engines. It's easy to search and find topics in which you are interested. Once you've bookmarked a four or five, visit them regularly and jump right in with comments on those stories that have commenting enabled. It won't take you long to decide that you're ready to strike out on your own.
This blog is powered by Google and if you're new to the concept of blogging, it's a good place to get your feet wet. Navigate to Blogger and register. You'll find lots of help files and FAQs in case you need assistance in getting up and running.
Once you have your blog rolling, be sure that you include links from your web site to the blog and in the blog back to your web site. You'll also want to send an email out to your customers and let them know that you now have a place where the can contribute, comment, complain, or search for more help; a place where you can post video and audio help files, instructional how-tos, or demonstrations. As your customers begin to contribute, you can mine the content for great customer quotes or become immediately alerted to a customer problem -- before they begin to complain to other customers.
The commenting feature can even be monitored. If you are concerned that some comments could be detrimental, turn on the monitoring and review comments before allowing them to be visible to followers. Don't be overly concerned about customers posting a complaint. This is usually a fairly harmless method to blowing off steam and your timely responses show all followers that you care when your customers have a problem and that you're showing the issue the utmost consideration.
As customers post comments, you can even go back and edit your original posting, modifying it to accommodate the comments. For instance, if you receive multiple comments that request more information, you can edit the posting to include additional resources, links, or product descriptions that are posted on your web site.
With your web site and blog firmly entrenched in bidirectional promotion, you'll get the added benefit of improved validity and relevancy rankings for both forums.
When I consult with companies on this topic, there's never any question that this is a good idea -- everyone agrees that it is -- the problem only comes when we discuss the commitment needed to keep blog content up to date, relevant, and changing. Unlike a web page where you can make the investment up front and tend to it only as your product line or service offerings undergo a change, a blog will only be successful if you contribute -- regularly.
I don't really expect that you as the CEO, CIO, or even GM have time to post to a blog every day, but it would benefit you greatly to post to it regularly -- or even every now and then. Assign someone on your staff to tend to the daily postings, but the higher up the corporate ladder you stand, the more customers appreciate hearing from you. Your customers have built a dependency on your company's products or services and this blog can be an easy-to-use forum where you can post relevant and timely information. Hearing from c-level leaders will create good will and build relationships.
So, let's review: easy to set up, easy to contribute, builds search-engine recognition, provides easy forum for bidrectional communication with customers, and fosters good will. How can you possibly go wrong?
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